Master the skillset required to excel in the domain of imagery analysis and intelligence.

Our comprehensive training program is designed to cater to both beginners and advanced learners.

Embrace the future of imagery and intelligence analysis with our expertly curated training modules. Whether you're new to the field or an experienced analyst aiming to refine your skills, our training program offers a wide range of courses tailored to your needs.

What type of subjects are in a course?

Our course modules cover a variety of topics including:

  • Fundamentals of Image and Intelligence Analysis
  • Understanding and Interpreting Satellite Imagery
  • Aircraft and Drone Imagery Analysis
  • Multi-spectral and Hyperspectral Imagery
  • Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)
  • The Art of Making Informed Decisions from Imagery
  • Application of AI and Machine Learning in Image Analysis
  • Ethical and Legal Considerations in Intelligence

What will a course help me achieve?

After completing our training, you will be able to:

  • Analyze and interpret images from various sources like satellites, aircraft, and drones
  • Understand the potential and limitations of different types of imagery
  • Apply critical thinking to derive insights from imagery
  • Use the latest AI tools for image analysis
  • Comply with ethical and legal standards in intelligence

What will I have to do?

Our training programs use a blend of methodologies to ensure a comprehensive learning experience:

  • Online courses: Learn at your own pace with our extensive online course library
  • Live webinars: Engage with experts and peers in real-time during our live webinars
  • Hands-on projects: Apply your learning to real-world scenarios with our hands-on projects
  • Discussion forums: Collaborate, discuss, and learn from peers in our active community

Who should attend?

This training is ideal for:

  • Aspiring image and intelligence analysts
  • Current analysts looking to upgrade their skills
  • Professionals in related fields like geospatial science, forensics, law enforcement and emergency management
  • Historians, journalists, news producers and researchers

Take the first step towards becoming a future-ready imagery intelligence analyst - Fill in the contact form for more information: